Born to Be a Podcaster

You were born to be a podcaster.

I’m going to say that again: You were born to be a podcaster. This page you’re reading, however you came across it, is not an accident.

The sequence of events and circumstances that led to us being introduced didn’t happen by chance. 

It happened because it was meant to happen. 

It’s because you were meant to do this.

You are probably in an industry of some sort. You’re professional at whatever you do.

I’m sure you’re very good at it. You have done really well with it and you want to do something more.

Maybe you’ve heard about podcasting and you’ve heard about other people who have done well with it. And they say they like it.

They list all the benefits of doing it.

And you decide you want to do it too. 

Think about all the people in your industry before you who got freaked out about how many podcasts there are scrolling Apple Podcasts.

It seems like everybody’s got a podcast. 

I promise you not everybody has a podcast and especially not in your market. 

Think about it. How many people in your industry, in your niche, in your market have a podcast? If the answer is a thousand people have a podcast, you don’t have the right industry. You don’t have the right niche.

Somewhere out there is a tribe of people who are looking for what you have to say. They may not get on their knees and pray to a divine being, beseeching Him to send a messenger with a message they’re dying to hear. But there is a tribe out there of people who need your message and who in their subconscious are praying for you to finally pull the trigger on this idea that you’ve had for however long you’ve had.

A year, two years, 10 years. It doesn’t matter.

People are out there and they’re waiting for you to do it.

Think about all the professionals in your industry. Let’s say it’s real estate, just because real estate is on my mind for some reason. There’s probably a million people who do what you do just in the United States.

If you go internationally, there’s probably tens of millions who do what you do.

And so you think about how many podcasts there are out there.

And let’s say, let’s just say that there’s a thousand. That’s a lot of competition, right?.

You’re not wrong. It is a lot of competition. Not to mention the competition of what’s available simply sitting on a couch browsing Netflix. 

But of those thousand that have a podcast, let’s ask some questions. 

How often are they putting out episodes? Just because they’re on iTunes doesn’t mean that they’re active. Click on a few of them. Have they published anything recently in the last month? Are they consistent with their content? There’s a lot of people who do podcasts simply because it seems like everyone else is doing it.

But in your heart of hearts, it doesn’t matter because this is something you have to do. I mean, there are plenty of ways to market yourself that are effective and quite frankly are easier and less expensive than a podcast. 

But you said, “I have to do this. I don’t care how much it costs. I don’t care how long it takes to build an audience. This is something that I have to do.”

If that’s you, you’re in the right place, and you’re talking to the right person. 

But if you thought that you should do a podcast just because Influencer Joe is doing it and seems to enjoy it; or Superstar Marketer got so many leads from their podcast. If that’s your modus operandi for doing it, I wish you all the best. And you’ll probably get some leads with it if you are consistent with it and you are doing it. 

But I don’t think you’re talking to the right person. I think that your time would be better spent reading the latest and greatest at the airport bookshelf on how to better yourself.

That’s where you should be. 

I don’t say this to be a jerk. I’m saying this because I want to respect your time. I appreciate you reading this far, and I wish you well in whatever you endeavor to do.

But if that is you, then I repeat:

You were born to do this. 

You were put on the earth to share a message with people that people need to hear, that people are secretly hoping and praying that you will deliver. 

They are waiting for you. 

So get out there and do it.