It's Not Your Show...It's Your Legacy





Podcast Artistry™ VIETVA

FREE TRAINING: 5 Keys to a Successful Podcast

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So, Someone Wants to Start a Podcast...

My name is James Newcomb and I’m the founder of Podcast Artistry™.

You’re here on this website, so I assume it’s because you’re interested in starting a podcast – or you’re in need of some help in producing, giving direction for your existing podcast.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to do my very best to talk you out of doing so.

And if after you’ve heard what I have to say you still want to move forward, then we can setup a call to talk options.

Fair enough?

Okay, so let’s get going.

So let’s talk about some things right out the gate.

Does a successful podcast mean that you have a large audience? 

Maybe, but not necessarily. 

A successful podcast in my mind and in my experience is one that adds value to a certain market.

In other words, it makes an impact within a specific niche.

If your passion is bug collecting and you have information that you believe is vital for the bug collecting community to hear and digest, are you going to have an audience the size of Joe Rogan or Tim Ferriss?

Of course not. 

But think about it. How many avid bug collector enthusiasts are there in this world? I don’t collect bugs, but if I were to investigate and learn more about it and show an interest in it, and start a podcast featuring the most eminent bug collectors in the world, I’ll bet that bug collector enthusiasts would come out of the woodwork to listen (pun intended 😉

You’re not a Joe Rogan, you’re a bug collector and you’re going to create something that is of interest to fellow bug collectors. 

The point of a show isn’t to mimic someone who is achieving a certain measure of success. You decide what makes your show successful.

Why a podcast?

Why in the world do you want to do a podcast? There are so many things that you could be doing with your time. There are so many outlets to get your message out. 

Why a podcast? 

Perhaps somebody else is doing a podcast and is successful with it and you think that doing a podcast is the way to emulate their success.

Maybe it just seems like something that all the cool kids are doing, and so you should be doing it too.

Let me ask you a question: Why did the thought come to your mind that you should do a podcast? 

If the reasons are not the right reasons, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when you’ll burn out.

But if you do it for the right reasons, then it’s only going to add fuel to the fire that is within you, and you’re going to ultimately be successful at it. 

Perhaps you're in a mastermind and one person keeps raving about how much fun it is, how they’re having a great time doing it. So you think it will be good for you too.

But it turns out to be far more work than they were expecting, and they quit. What was a good idea on paper or in somebody’s mind is now in the graveyard of the many good ideas that have never seen the light of day, or have barely seen the first glimmer of sunlight.

But when you do it for the right reasons, then it’s only going to fuel your desire to keep doing it. When you hit the inevitable bumps in the road that are distractions, or they could force you to even take a break from your show.

Point is that when bumps in the road come, it’s a matter of time before you get back on the horse and hit it again – when you do it for the right reasons.

The Strength of the Podcasting Medium

Podcasts are typically audio, although a growing number of podcasts are adding video elements to their shows.

This means people can listen while doing the laundry, while going for a walk, in the car - pretty much anywhere you can carry your phone.

Its convenience and portability is unmatched.

It's also far less labor-intensive than doing any kind of video show. You don't need to worry about makeup, getting the right clothes on, doing your hair (I don't worry too much about my hair as you can see in the above photo ha ha).

It's really as simple as hitting the record button on your computer and letting your passion for your topic shine.

Now, this benefit of podcasts is also one of its drawbacks.

Because literally anyone can do it.

If you scroll along Apple Podcasts, you’ll see hundreds of thousands, if not millions of shows.

Bottom line is a podcast is technically easy to do.

But succeeding at it is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do.

And I like it that way.

That is the real barrier to entry in my mind.

The person or organization who makes it to Episode #10 is basically the price of admission into the world of podcasting in my book.

It comes down to this...

The number one reason to do a podcast is you have a burning desire to share a message that is inside of you, that you’re convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt people need to hear.

And if you don’t release this message inside of you, you’re going to suffer physically, emotionally, psychologically.

Believe me, very few people who start podcasts can say that they have this fire inside of them. But when you have something that absolutely has to be said, and you will suffer physically and emotionally if it is not said, you should start a podcast.

If you don’t have that burning desire inside you, I’m going to do you a favor and tell you you should think twice about doing it. 

I mean this sincerely. If you’re lukewarm on the idea, don’t do it.

Frankly, if reading this makes you decide you shouldn’t do a podcast, then believe that I have done you and my profession a service.

Because I have  prevented someone from making a decision that quite frankly, they’re going to regret.

Want to talk things over?

Use the form below to schedule a free consultation to see if a Podcast is right for you.

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